Monday, February 27, 2017

February 27, 2017

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

February 20, 2017

Monday, February 13, 2017

Hey eveyone! This week was another pretty good week! There was a lot that happened it seemed like, so I will just get right into it! 
Monday- WE had to take our car to Fort Smith because it was over heating! After we dropped off our car we went and played some basketball! That was a ton of fun because almost everyone who was playing was pretty good, and it was just a blast! We ended up spending the night in Fort Smith because we had a conference in Fayetteville the next day! Elder Olsen and I went with some Spanish missionaries, and let me tell you  I didnt understand a word that was said that night! I was part of a blessing that they gave to a member, and It was really weird, but cool to hear a blessing in Spanish! Well we didnt really come prepared to stay the night! We figured our car would be done, but it wasnt, so I slept on the floor with a sweater for a pillow, and another sweater for a blanket! I actually slept pretty good, but i am defiantly more grateful for my air mattress!  
Tuesday- We had a Zone Conference in Fayetteville, and it was way good! President and Sister Loveland are so awesome! We talked a lot about becoming better teacher, and it was just way good! It was 80 degrees outside! It was a warm day! When we got back to Fort Smith we found out that our car has a cracked head, so we wont have it for a week! Luckily we had a member that was able to take us pack to Poteau! The member is in the branch Presidency, and on the way home he did a very tricky way, and trapped me into giving a talk on the 19th, so I am preparing for that! 
Wednesday- Without are car we took advantage of Wednesday and did a lot of planning! When we were done with planning we went out and walked! It was soooooooo Windy!! It was super hard to walk when the wind was blowing at me, but we made it the rest of the day just fine!  We had a member take us out to dinner, and the funniest thing happend! While we were eating this little girl walked in, and she was about the same age as the members little boy, and the boy starts trying to do everything he can to get that little girls attention! He was doing the most ridcules things, and it all was working! Eventually he got her to play checkers with him! it was so funny, and I got a lot of dating advice just from watching him lol! After that the husband came out with us, and he went with Elder Olsen, and Elder Butler and I went and had a few visits! That was pretty good, but nothing to crazy came from it! 
Thursday- Well Thursday was pretty cool! We had a 3 way exchange with some members! We had 3 different ones come out with us! They gave me a solid apointment because I am still not 100% sure on who everybody is, and as soon as I got in the car with the member he let me know that the appointment canceled! I had no idea what to do, so I just went through the branch roster, and we went until he knew somebody! It actually worked out really good! We went to a less actives house that is on the verge of coming back! We had a pretty good lesson, and I think they are planning on coming to church this week! It was way cool! Our dinner was pretty funny as well! This guy who was born and raised in the same small town Oklahoma that he lives in now took us out! He has the most southern accent I have ever herd! He is also super funny! It was a blast to talk with him!
Friday- Everyone is getting sick around here, and I am not exaggerating   when I say that every single thing that we had set up for Friday canceled because they were sick! I did learn something though! Thanks to my aunt Vicki I now know that you can use a 2 liter bottle as a package in the mail! So that was really cool to get! We ended up biking on this highway, Elder Olsen said he knew where he was going (He lied)! We biked about 15 miles up the road when we finally got to a gas station! We went in there got a drink, and as we were coming out we ran into a member, and his Girlfriend who isnt a member! W asked her if she wanted the lessons, and she said that she did, so we are going to start teaching her this week! On the way home Elder Butler popped a tire, and while he was fixing it some guy came around and gave  us a ride, so that was way good! At 8 some members called, and picked us up! They took us to Wal Mart and gave us $100  to spend on groceries, so that was a huge blessing! 
Saturday- We had a few members come out with us, and Elder Butler and I went together again! We had one of the weirdest experiences! We went to this less active/part member family! We had a great lesson! The spirit was clearly there, She was telling us how she knew she need to take the Sacrament,  and then Elder Butler invited her to church, and she said no!! I tried to fix things by asking if we could swing by once a week and share a message, and she said no! She told us she was old, and that she liked her privacy, so she didnt want to come to church, or anything, and then her phone rang, and it was her granddaughter! During the phone call she said something along the lines of "Yes I am planning on taking you to church again"! So we found out she is going to a different church, but she was being super weird about it, so it was interesting! We had a dinner/lesson in a town about 15 miles out of Poteau. so we headed out there on our bikes! It was an uphill ride the entire time! It was so hard! It was also 80 degrees again! We had a good dinner, and afterwards we were playing around on their little Jazzy scooters they had, so that was a blast! We biked back home in the dark, and it went by so fast because it was all down hill! It was a long day though! 
Sunday- We had stake conference, and that was really good! We rode up to Fort Smith with some members! The speakers were really good though! President and Sister Loveland were there, and after the conference we got to talk to them for a little while, so that was really cool! 
Today I called the shop where our car is, and they arnt sure when it will be done by, so I am not really sure how much longer we will be biking! Pray that it isnt to long? lol! I hope you have a great week! I Love and miss you all so much!
Elder Jordan Sorensen

Monday, February 6, 2017

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Hey Everyone! This week was a pretty good week! It was a long one because of the transfer week, but it was good! 
Monday- We had a pretty average Monday! We ended up going to Rolla because the Sisters needed me to do a baptism interview! That interview went really good! The Ladies name was Robin, and it really is such an awesome experience to be able to hear peoples testimonies in those interviews! the rest of the day was pretty normal, and nothing to exciting happened! 
Tuesday- We had a slow day at the Food Pantry this week! There is usually 65-120 people that come in for food, and this week there was only 15, so it was a super slow day there! A member gave us a $60 gift card for Subway last week, so we have eaten there so much, but Tuesday was pretty funny because the workers were really starting to recognize us, so we had some pretty funny conversations with them! At our dinner we ate with some less active members who think they are active, but it was so interesting because the whole time we were there the one lady was roasting on the Book of Mormon! She said she knows its good, but we should be more focused on the Bible! It was a pretty interesting dinner, and It kinda surprises me how some people in the church have some really interesting opinions! 
Wednesday- We had a World Wide Missionary Training Broadcast that we watched in St. Robert as a zone! We had a member give us a ride! He told us he was going to pick us up at our apartment at 9:20, and by 9:30 he wasnt there, so we gave him a call! He said "Ya I am planing on being there at 9! What time is it" I told him it was 9:30, and he rushed and still got us there on time, but it was kind of funny that he slept in! The Broadcast was amazing! Elders Oaks, Bednar, and Andersen, and a few members of the Seventy were there, and it was way good stuff! I learned so much! It mostly was about some teaching skills! They also made a few big announcements where we change the numbers we report, and also we have a slightly different schedule that is kind of hard to explain, but it is almost the same! After the meeting we went on exchanges, and Elder Smith came with me up to Sullivan! It was pretty good! We had an amazing lesson with Andrew and Angel! It was seriously one of the top 5 lessons of my mission! It was amazing!!!!
Thursday- We exchanged back, and it was fun to go with Elder Smith, but he is a little different, so it was good to go back with Elder Durrant! We had a Missionary Coordination Meeting with our Ward Mission Leader after that, and that went pretty good! We were able to discus some things that we really needed to! For dinner we had Spaghetti, and mom this will blow you away, but as I was eating it I realized that I actually kind of enjoy spaghetti! Its not my favorite food, but I defiantly dont hate it anymore! 
Friday- We had a drive through food pantry on Friday called the Mobile Market! It was pretty fun! I pushed shopping carts around from the end of the line to the beginning of the line! It was a workout! I had to push 3 carts at a time, and I did it for about 4 hours, so by the end I was pretty beat! It was good though we helped a ton of people with food, and that is really what matters! Friday evening we played basketball with some random people at the out door basketball courts! It was pretty funny, like normal they looked at us in our white shirts and ties, and told us they would take it easy on us, and then we WORKED them! It was great! 
Saturday- We went with a member and finished cutting the wood that we didnt finish last week, and it was just as hard as it was last week! This time there was less of us, so we had to do a little bit more work, but it was good stuff, and we got lunch out of it! We also helped a member work on his, and his dads vehicles! One was a 1950s jeep, and the other was a old willies Pickup truck, so that was fun to work on them! It kind of reminded me of My Grandpa Sorensen's cars that he works on!
Sunday- I had the worst dream ever Saturday night/ Sunday Morning! It was Jesus visited a Conference that I was at, and he was talking to everyone, but some how he skipped me, so I went outside to bawl my eyes out, and he was there, and he put his arm around me and started to talk, and instantly the alarm went off, and I developed a new hatred for the Alarm clock! Church was pretty good on Sunday! Except for the fact that like half our ward was Sick, so all the meetings were super small! 
Monday- We had District meeting, and that went alright! It was kind of rough President Loveland has been giving some really specific, and interesting topics for the meetings! They are hard to expound on! the meeting went alright considering the hard topic! 
Tuesday- We had to make a trip half way to Rolla to meet the Sisters because I forgot to sign the baptismal form! Then the long awaited Transfer calls came Tuesday night! Elder Durrant is staying in Sullivan, and he is training a brand new missionary! I am being transferred to Poteau (Said Po Toe) Oklahoma! i am going to be in a Trio, and I will be with Elder Butler, and Elder Olsen! The cool part is Elder Olsen is Nathan Olsen as in a kid who lived right next door to me for 3 or so years! So that is kind of crazy!! 
Well that is my week! I hope you all have a great week, and I love and miss you all
Elder Sorensen